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Enrollment Now Open for Our Inaugural 9th Grade Class!

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College Prep and Pathways

Students in graduation caps and gowns.

Students on university campus.

College Prep

Choosing the right college can be difficult and overwhelming. That’s why our college prep program is designed to help students discover and determine the best path for their future college success. Our college and career prep incorporates discovery, evaluation, and exploration while encouraging students to take ownership over their lives and futures.

Grade 9 and 10 Students
We start preparing students for college admissions in the 9th grade. Students determine their interests and strengths through service learning and strength surveys. They explore different career paths and participate in college and career prep workshops, while gaining an understanding of how academics, co-curriculars, and other experiences positively impact the college admissions process. In addition, all students have access to ACT test preparation and on-campus college fairs.

Grade 11 Students
In grade 11, students will expand upon this existing framework as they prepare to take the ACT. They’ll be encouraged to pursue job shadowing experiences, take advanced placement courses, and dedicate time to visiting colleges. Students can also begin earning college credits through dual enrollment opportunities with local colleges.

Grade 12 Students
In the first semester of grade 12, all students will take a college admissions course to support them in completing college applications, writing admissions essays, and filling out the FAFSA form. They will obtain letters of recommendation, complete their capstone projects, and explore additional financial aid opportunities. Students will be able to continue earning college credits via dual enrollment programs, and will be encouraged to continue visiting prospective campuses and attending college fairs.


All of our students participate in our Pathways Curriculum, designed to prepare students for life after high school. We focus on three core areas: Interest and Career Exploration, Foundations of Professionalism, and Personal Finance.

Students investigate and experience a variety of career pathways by visiting workplaces, meeting professionals from different fields, and engaging in skill-building activities. They complete at least 40 hours of career experiences, such as internships and job shadowing. As part of this program, students discover the components of communicating professionally, and practice actively listening along with other written and verbal skills.

Students also practice managing personal finances so they can make informed decisions about their future. This includes studying common financial terms and information and completing financial forms, such as W-2s and credit reports. They create a monthly budget and open a checking or savings account and make a deposit. Visit the Opportunity Education website to learn more about Pathways.

Student leading class.